2025 – The Year I Erased People
It’s coming. Another year. Whether you’re ready or not. I don’t really do New Year’s resolutions…ever. I’m a perfectionist. I don’t like to fail or lose…..ANYTHING. This year is different. The world is different. I’m different.
I’m making the choice to become a better person. In a sense, I’m withdrawing from society to live a life of solitude and meditation. I’m old. All my life experiences up to this point have EXHAUSTED me with people. I’m not a people person anymore. I’m not an extrovert either. I could feel the shift changing in that gradually over the years. My ADHD demanded so much attention from EVERYONE around me my entire life. It became repetitive. It got on MY nerves. There was a shift. Now I don’t want the attention. I don’t want to have DEEP conversations with people. I don’t even want to have SHORT conversations with people. I don’t like going “out”. I don’t drink. I don’t smoke. I don’t know how I got here, but I kinda do. It was a process of everything. Too much of a lot. I’m tired.
I’m not going to have a bunch of sappy blogs about how I hate people so much either. I don’t do religion, so none of that. And now I don’t do politics, so no talk of that either. I’m focused on my family and my career in 2025 and beyond.
I’ve deleted Facebook, Instagram, and now Messenger. I’m so tired of flushing my life down the social media toilet. It’s over. I absolutely HATE it.
Looking forward to a few performances a year to release my creative energy. I’ll also be taking you for a journey on my blog. Something different. Something fun. 2025 is going to be a great year. I’m going to make up for lost time with MYSELF. Finish writing a book or two.
I’ve become the persnickety old person I thought I’d never be. I’m picky. I like things MY way. I’m not settled or relaxed until my universe is lined up exactly how I like. I also have little patience, so sometimes I get really ugly when I have to wait for things to be just the way I like them. It’s a constant struggle. It’s definitely a huge part of the bipolar lifestyle. Hahaha.
My advice for you in the new year… less social media and use that time for YOURSELF… put your phone down – it’s an addiction that you need to work on… do something you’ve wanted to do and have placed on the back burner for too long… smoke MORE weed… don’t settle for ANYTHING you don’t feel comfortable with- don’t let anyone persuade you to settle… and I just want to say this one more time……When someone shows you who they are the FIRST time, believe them! Enough of that forgive and forget shit! Fuck that. You don’t need people for anything. Once you learn that, life is simply wonderful.
Happy New Year!!! See you next year for something special!
Xoxo, AB
EMBRACE SOLITUDE! Leave social media behind and focus on yourself in 2025. Discover a new path to creativity.