Plot For Family Murder
Being social media free has been as eye-opening as sobriety. The world is not geared towards people that aren’t married to their phones in much the same way it’s not geared towards non-drinkers. I already noticed how much everybody had their faces buried in their devices, but wow I didn’t realize it was truly an addiction for everyone until I stopped using it. I get it. It gives you a purpose to live. A captive audience. A constant, captive audience. It’s just not for me anymore. I can be very happy with my blog here. Nowhere to see likes or comments. Just a place for my thoughts. My online journal. I mean, I’m still a working girl!
My annual trip to Oklahoma for the William’s Tulsa Route 66 Marathon was the BEST ever. Gorgeous weather all weekend. A 5k that was delightful. A half marathon that ended too quick. I got to watch Oklahoma (finally wake up this season and) OWN Alabama. I got to spend time with my BFF. I got to learn that Daddy told Mommy I hated her so much that I was plotting her murder and plan on killing her if and when I can get her alone…. So yeah, it was the perfect weekend! LMFAOOOOOO.
I gotta let things go. It’s hard. Difficult. Frustrating. I grew up in an unwell situation. I know that now. Not sure how I made it out as (normal) functioning as I did, but I definitely deserve a medal. I could just go buy myself one. I’ve done that before!
Just remember… life is a constant struggle. You’re not alone in this endeavor. Whenever you think it could be/get worse, just think about me and laugh. It COULD be worse… At least your parents don’t think you’re plotting their murder!
Put your devices down this holiday season when you’re with your family…. Especially if you want them to know your love and empathy are real and you’re not secretly plotting a murder. You can post on social media and check your likes later when you’re home alone. Live in the present. Y’all look so stupid always staring at those phones anyway. It’s working for me. Try it.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Attached are some of my favorite pictures from Murder Plot Weekend…