In A Time of Cancel Culture, How Does “BLACK” FRIDAY Still Exist?!
As I’m sitting here criss-cross-applesauce (dumb af) I’m contemplating many things “woke”. BLACK Friday?! Don’t ALL FRIDAYS MATTER? We’ve turned into such a strange world. Maybe “turned” is the wrong word. It’s really been more of a process. We’re living in a small pocket of time where somehow we’ve silenced the smart people to not offend the stupid. So much shit is DUMB AF. We’ve gone as far as renaming the Washington Fucking Redskins the Washington Commanders. An Indian mascot replaced by a slave owner. That’s American AF! We can’t have the Cleveland Indians anymore, but the Atlanta Braves, Kansas City Fucking Chiefs, and Florida State Seminoles can still ball AAAAAND by the MASSES emulate a move literally called a Tomahawk Chop while singing a historic Indian Cadence. Confused yet?!
Let’s remove every statue and monument from the face of America that may have any indication or suggestion to our history’s love of racist roots, but let’s relic in the memories of past triumphs and support a concept to return to that wonderful part of our past by declaring to Make It Great AGAIN! That’s called going backwards. Half of y’all are too fucking stupid to realize it.
We’re not the “UNITED” States. We can’t even figure out how to share a goddamn bathroom because of some made-up nonsensical trash, spoon-fed to you by dumbfucks that YOU elected to help the PROGRESS of the nation. How are AMERICANS this fucking stupid?!
I’m still nauseated by the barrage of morons that live shoulder to shoulder with me in intolerant Texas. I’m not sure I’ll ever be the same. My world view is vastly skewed. I feel like I’ve been so offended lately personally that I no longer care who the fuck I may happen to offend moving forward. I really don’t care. People are so completely full of shit. I don’t even listen anymore.
It’s not like I tried to become this far left radical person. I think it happens from asking questions and reading a lot. I’m still social media unplugged and I’m loving it. I’ve unsubscribed from any political news, Republican, Independent or Democratic groups or emails I was a part of. I even stopped watching Kimmel to disengage from the regurgitated American garbage of late night comedy television. It’s been refreshing. I’m glad I was here for the ride all the way up to this part. I’m taking notes. I’m keeping receipts.
I’m focusing all my energy into putting on some tremendous Anita Bump Shows for you in 2025….maybe 4 of them LOL! Yeah, I think I retired for a reason. It’s fun…. It’s just not FFFFUUUUNNNNN. I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas. I don’t care what anybody says…. Christmas is all about RECEIVING!!!! Hahaha. I think it’s going to be a good Christmas for a lot of folks this year. I just read it was a record breaking BLACK FRIDAY weekend. I thought that was odd seeing as how just weeks ago we were on the worst economy of our lives and had no choice but to elect a man that grabs Republican women by the pussy …only because he is the smartest guy with finances to save the American economy only having filed bankruptcy FOUR times himself. Hahaha.
Go fuck yourselves.
Xoxo, AB