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The Bitch is Back


It took me a couple of days to recover and gather my thoughts! I couldn’t have dreamed up a more exciting and fulfilling return to entertainment! The “old friends” that showed up in support truly warmed my heart. The venue, although lacking the club feel, really provided a wonderful setting for my return. Y’all spent some money too, so that was a bonus for the owner’s who supported the event. My heart is happy.

A HUGE thank you to Roy Burchett who did EVERYTHING to make this event go off without a hitch. You are the most incredible person on the planet! I know how much of your hard work sometimes goes thankless and I want you to know that I am blown away by your creative vision and work ethic. Most people I’ve encountered don’t have as much drive in their entire body as you do in your pinky finger! You are AMAZING and you should be reminded of that DAILY! I love you! ❤️ An additional thank you to my BFF, Jenny, who came from Oklahoma to make sure my balls didn’t fall out of my dresses! Can’t imagine my return without you girl! 💋

There was so much happening inside my head that I didn’t even “see” everyone that was at the event. I’m looking through pictures now and noticing so many familiar faces that I didn’t have the time to seek out and say “hello “ or “Thank you” to. It ended so fast and everyone was gone. I was finished and wanted to visit with all those people. It was so strange. My adrenaline dropped and then everyone was gone. It’s a little depressing. I’m stoked for the next event/show and I’ll certainly keep everyone informed. My website is up and running and it’s the best place to snag me for a booking. I’ll post all of my upcoming events/appearances directly to my website…. So STAY TUNED for all things Anita Bump! 💋xoxo,

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